Saturday, January 31, 2009

I make Money Online Every DAY!

I am going to have explain this in steps. I will make it a regular habit to update this blog on a frequent basis for those who really want to make money online every day on a consistant day in and day out basis. First things first. There are many ways I make money online every day. The easiest way is through various surfing sites. Here are a few if you are interested in signing up. First you have what is called a manual surf. Here is another manual surf you can sign up for to make money online every day! Then there is what is called the autosurf. The difference between a manual surf and an auto surf is as you may be thinking. With a manual surf, after viewing an ad, and AFTER waiting for the timer to reach 0. You must click a button or clickable link of some sort that once you click it, it takes you to the next ad. Manual Surf sites are better for the advertiser. Auto Surf (autosurfs) are better for the surfer. With an autosurf, you go to the site one time and after you join and are a member you click view ads or surf and after each ad is loaded after the timer expires you do NOT have to click a botton to go to the next ad, it automatically goes to the next ad. This is bad for the advertisers because all the surfer needs to do is click view ads, then they can go take a bath and come back and their surfing will be done without HAVING TO HAVE HAD TO ACTUALLY VIEW THE ADS. Whereas with a manual surf, you need to click EVERY time to go to the next ad. So you cannot click view ads or surf one time then go wash the dishes or something more exciting.

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